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  • 3/1/25 - Professor Mayfield presents at the Congressional Climate Crossroads weekend retreat hosted by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine in Virginia Beach.

  • 12/26/24 - Professor Mayfield participates in the scoping meeting for the 7th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • 4/25/24 - Dr. Maarten Brinkerink lead, with the support of Gordon Sherman (MEng '24), the development of a global electricity transmission database for energy system modelling. Manuscript

  • 4/8/24 - Dr. Maarten Brinkerink lead as study on spatial resolution in global electricity modellingManuscript

  • 3/18/24 - New paper lead by Dr. Amanda Giang in Proceedings of National Academy of Science on equity and modeling in sustainability science. Manuscript

  • 2/26/24 - Professor Mayfield participates on a National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine panel on social science research needs for understanding and planning for labor impacts of a U.S. low-carbon energy transition.

  • 12/15/23 - Professor Mayfield presents at the American Geophysical Union on socioeconomic, political, and physical drivers of renewable siting decisions in the United States in San Francisco, California.

  • 11/8/23 - Professor Mayfield presents at New York University's Industrial Decarbonization Seminar on integrating cost, climate, and equity objectives into steel infrastructure planning and decision-making.

  • 10/12/23 - Professor Mayfield presents at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Generate | Regenerate Conference on the “Pace and scale of U.S. energy transitions.”

  • 10/12/23 - Doctoral student Michael May wins the poster competition at Dartmouth's Climate and Energy Week.

  • 10/6-8/23 - Professor Mayfield co-hosts in an energy equity workshop at Southern Methodist University, and presents at the National Association of Business Economics conference in Dallas, TX.

  • 9/18-19/23 - Professor Mayfield participates in Air Quality and Climate Change Workshop hosted by Dr. Wei Peng in Washington, D.C.

  • 9/14/23 - Dr. Yohan Min and Professor Mayfield publish new paper "Rooftop solar, electric vehicle, and heat pump adoption in rural areas in the United States" in Energy Research & Social Science Manuscript

  • 7/26/23 - Professor Mayfield presents to the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board hosted at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.

  • 6/29/23 - New paper lead by Dr. John Bistline in Science on the climate and energy impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act. Manuscript

  • 6/8/23 - Professor Mayfield participates in panel discussion on the New Economics of Clean Energy hosted by the Wall Street Journal.

  • 6/1/23 - New paper "Labor pathways to achieve net-zero emissions in the United States by mid-century" published in Energy Policy.  Manuscript

  • 5/24/23 - Avery Moorhead '25 and Karson Smith '25 present research at the Wetterhahn Science Symposium!

  • 3/31/23 - Professor Mayfield gives lecture on integrating equity into energy systems modeling at UT-Austin, Operations Research and Industrial Engineering program.

  • 3/21/23 - Professor Mayfield participates in panel discussion barriers to decarbonization at Center for Strategic and International Studies' Energy Futures Forum.

  • 3/7/23 & 3/8/23 - Professor Mayfield participates in panel discussions on equity and climate change at CERAWeek. Recording ↗

  • 1/27/23 - Professor Mayfield quoted in Science News on the meeting net-zero goals. Article

  • 1/11/23 - Professor Mayfield quoted in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences News on the benefits of electric vehicles. Article

  • 1/3/23 - Welcome Dr. Maarten Brinkerink who joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar!  Dr. Brinkerink is an expert in power systems modeling, integrated assessment modeling, and climate mitigation.

  • 12/9/22 - Professor Mayfield participates in a panel discussion regarding Improving Data and Modeling for Decisionmaking at the Energy Insights conference hosted by Resources for the Future and the Sloan Foundation at the National Academy of Sciences. Recording 

  • 11/14/22 - Professor Mayfield presents at Department of Labor Future of Work seminar series on high road labor policies in the energy transition.

  • 11/2/22 - Professor Mayfield participates in a congressional briefing regarding What's on the Table for COP27 Negotiations? hosted by EESI.  Recording ↗

  • 11/1/22 - Professor Mayfield participates in panel discussion hosted by Resources for the Future on What is an Energy Community?  Recording ↗

  • 11/1/22 - Congratulations to Martin Roeck (MEM '23) for winning the Startup Prize at Dartmouth's Pitch competition!

  • 10/20/22 - Michael May (PhD student) and Professor Mayfield participate in panel discussion on Energy Leadership with U.S. Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-2 , Dartmouth '78)!

  • 10/19/22 - Professor Mayfield presents at Irving Institute's Inaugural Symposium on Climate, Energy and Society.  Recording ↗

  • 10/16/22 - Professor Mayfield presents research on modeling equity objectives in coal transitions at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.

  • 10/14/22 - Professor Mayfield presents about Energy Security at the In-Practice Conference hosted by Climate Energy Leader Institute.

  • 9/23/22 - Professor Mayfield participates on panel discussion hosted by the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy at the Global Clean Energy Action Forum with OSTP Deputy Director Sally Benson, U.S. EIA Administrator Joe DeCarolis, Carnegie Mellon Professor Destenie Nock, U.S. DOE Director of the Office of Energy Jobs Betony Jones, and U.S. DOE Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alejandro Moreno.

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